Free Resource for classic Macintosh software and hardware
Apple 1
Discharging Tool for Old Compact Macs?
Would this applecd 300 work on my classic?
A bit of an update to the software collection! Featuring my 512k, and my Plus (It’s a bit shy)
Two Dumb Questions
Nostalgia Alert!
This SE/30 in a store window has a faded Apple logo but isn’t very yellowed… why is that?
my receipt for my first mac from 1984.
On January 24th, Apple Computer will introduce Macintosh. And you'll see why 1984 won't be like "1984".
Is $200 the right price for an early 128k with the mouse keyboard and non Apple carrying bag? It’ll be a 6 hour round trip to pick it up
What do you like about vintage Apple computers?
When Contemporary Meets Classic
Been doing more word processing on my Mac lately
Are there any editors that don’t spend 6+ hours working?
Happy Birthday PHSP!
From 0 to 100, and back to 0 [My YouTube Journey].
When I got my first Macintosh in 2023, I was quite excited about it and took some photos
About to go on tour with a metal band for 6 weeks, editing socials for them every show. Tips/advice?
Does Artlist Voice offer a monthly subscription?
"Show your work" Sunday.
Former TV/Film Editor → C-Suite in IT: Ask Me Anything About Career Pivots
Mit Grundbeorderung in Kaserne
Is planet half life safe to visit
Junger Soldaten-Enthusiast, Tipps zur Offizierslaufbahn bei der Bundeswehr und zum KSK