H: 3000 Leaders W: Misc Offers
H: Misc W: Leaders, Willing to bundle
H:Campers Backpack, Critter Chunks and Fuel Canister W:White Powder Jumpsuit or Bos Jumpsuit
(XB1) H: cherry paddle ball W: leaders
[Discussion] Do you need a way to get any misc items?
H: 5mil fuzzy tokens W: legacy offers (the only elders mark I'll take is qe25) (no pa or holyfire)
H: photos W: offers
H: Misc W: Other misc, apparel, leaders
H: legacy responder id rare displayable misc item W: serious offers only, no fas masks or mods please
[XB1] H: Package Bundle Misc W: misc and leader offers or tan usa
H: Package Bundle Misc W: Leaders or other misc
H:David’s Trophy/other misc W:100 leaders
H: other misc items W: leaders or offers
[XB1] H: Misc W: Tan USA
H: Package Bundle Misc W: Any offers at all
(Xb1) H:Paddles W:Offers
H: object for ally. W: someone interested
How do people get so many leaders?
[XB1] H: Nuke Silo Solutions W: Apparel offers
H: Nuke Silo Solutions W: Apparel offers
[XB1] H: Tattered Field Jacket. W: Glowing Jackalope, 2 “Item for Ally” miscellaneous, and a Nuka Cola 6 Pack miscellaneous. Let me know and let’s make some sort of deal!
[XB1] H: 6 Paddles, 2 Tan masks, TFJ, Leaders + other add(s) just let me know what you want... W: Regular Nuka-Cola Paddle and or/ Bladed, Electric, Flaming or Spiked Paddles.
[XB1] H: Glow abe W: Tan Usa
H:winterman mask W:crazyguy /fiend
H: Full 24 Rare Mask Set W: Offers (Non-Fas Apparel, Legacies, Misc, etc.)