Eat light or keep yelo
What do my 3 main picks say about me?
What do my main 3 picks say about me?
Bring back old jungle items
fk moonton
Drop your main
Free Collector/Lucky box skin for new players
If these old heroes existed in the current meta, which one is the most broken? (Or your own opinion)
Hi so i kinda got lucky in the new collector skin
Describe it in weird way & let me guess
Who would wear these
Thoughts on WOW Flash 2?
Magic chess meta rn?
Moonton wildin.....💀
Is this skin rare?
Is hou yi any good?
Who got guild i can join for one thing?
Very nice drops
Either of them any good?
What should i do?
Is natasha worth making 6s?
New event is pretty noice
Who should i awaken
Is she any good?
Holy amount of gems