11th commandment: thou shall not date whackjobs.
Hiking tips for a beginner.
Training to hike & what proper hiking form looks like
Gotta protect the recordings
Absolute Must Hike in Southeast USA?
Asking the experts: What constitutes a "hike"?
I love hiking! I’m just really bad at it… how do I get better?
Personal tips & tricks
100 mile hikes to do without camping
Road trip tips, advice, and opinions please. Pennsylvania to a Maine.
Brainstorming topics for a 12-15 page scientific paper. Any ideas?
did a walrus ever suck a human's brain through the nose?
Sigh… must we do this again?
Those of you who purchased a profile pic for $49.99…why?
Is there a country you wouldn’t want to travel too. If so why?
"No-Sh*t" advice for first time overseas traveler
How does anyone ever get a campsite at Yosemite?
Is it ok to love animals and be a zoologist/wildlife biologist?
What is the point of checking in?
Wildlife Biologist Degree Reqs
Do freezing temperatures damage dry wetsuits being stored outside all winter?
What’s everyone’s go to after hike meal?
Binoculars for hiking
What's a life hack that's super simple yet so effective, you're shocked more people don't know about it?
Getting started