Selling Vehicle Day Before OCONUS Port Call
Lochby Venture Pouch for Pipe Kit
Akko keycap profile sheet for 2025
Question for those commissioning or have been commissioned
so true
If you were sent back in time, would you join again?
Japanese Pipe Smoker Experience
Thoughts on applying
Suggestions based of these 8 games?
What would you call it if not Switch 2?👀
Starter gift for a good friend
Gifts for UPT Board
Feeling classy today.
Getting close to my Endgame
Divorce & Benefits
Book Recommendations
Which common room looks the best? Which common room would you live in?
I’ve joined linear gang
Is anyone else concerned about this?
I don't believe in endgame, but this is pretty damn close!
For those applied while on active duty, how long did you wait before going to OTS?