Work for home?
Realizing That Bat Exposures Are Much Rarer Than You Think.
Do cat bites usually leave marks or hurt?
Do the calories listed for gum only apply if you swallow it?
What would a chair look like if your knees bent the other way?
What would the U.S. do if another country built a colony on the Apolo 11 landing site?
Eveline Saalberg, Dutch athlete
One of my car's shocks was squeaking but I sprayed some silicone lube on it and it stopped but does this still mean I should think about replacing it soon?
Is it safe to use bleach containing products on the floor near a tank(fume concern)?
What is a good book to help you discover your true self?
Why did Hitler spare his mother's Doctor ?
Are we mentally individuals or are our thoughts and actions just a soup of cultural or social influences?
Snow White by missbrisolo
Blue bikini
What will cause you to get a Darwin Award?
What to do with a stray when it's cold?
If God can't sin is God still omnipotent?
Who's your favorite singer?
If a woman has never approached you to initiate romantic interest, does that mean you’re ugly?
What happened on the best day of your life?
Does putting an automatic car in a lower gear to raise RPMs help clean out the engine and is it safe on the transmission?
If a 6 mile wide meteor composed of feces hit the earth how much damage would it do?
People who know a lot about fish food, does this seem like good food for bettas? It's from Walmart so I worry about the ingredients.
Are there any good chemicals to get roots out of one's sewer lines?