Co oznacza "życzyć sobie"? W których sytuacjach używa się i czym odróżnia się od "chcieć" i "chciałbym"?
Finished all Polish lessons in Duolingo.
What languages are spoken in Eusan & the empire?
How to get different endings (minimal spoilers)
A drawing I made after finishing the game recently. I... also had no idea there's an actual design of their suits out there when drawing this, so I just completely made this up, lmao.
Can I see your long haired hamsters?
Why is she like this?💀 Summer Clover
Ile jeszcze Pozostało Białorusińskich Polaków?
Guess what country I’m from based off of the countries I like
Co czytacie
My hamster died
An Elster I drew
What's your native language's version of "your" and "you're"?
A quick sketch of Argemia :3
Hamster confidence
Is my Russian good??..
i drew mynah without armor :)
To lend a helping hand to the fraternal peoples of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus is our sacred duty! USSR 1939
Is this accurate
Sometimes I’m convinced hamsters are potatoes with legs!
I Drew The Girls
maya's biggest fan
Name this country, *sad version