why is Elle Greenaway hated??
Tell me your favorite cookie and see if you're allowed in....(idk what fl@ir to u$e 💔)
Do You Listen To What You Collect?
It doesn’t add the songs I favourite when I add an album to my library??
Anywhere to watch teen titans go for free??
Is the self titled album on the level of the first 2 albums or it is a slight step down in your opinion?
What MCR opinion is this for y'all?
Favorite album cover characters?
What is the most effective method on studying with dyslexia?
Who in my family has the best taste?
share ur fav lyric and what u think it means
I feel like this looks more danger days than the un-altered cover lol
What is your white whale cd?
How Many linkin park songs do you guys have in your playlist i have 16 is good?
New additions!! :3
Gerard speaking about comics 1993
I’m a high school student, and I don’t know what to do.
My small collection!
Must Obey!
Guess my Favorite Album
What song is playing?
Any way to fix scratches?
All these were like 50% off at my local reccord store :3
Make the comments franks search history