I think there is nothing wrong with old people being most of our government.
Eating cows should be considered as crazy as eating dogs would be.
Boomers have suffocated the young is to create generational financial insecurity, forcing young men and women to delay (or entirely skip) major life milestones.
1st place president! And rightfully so
They used to be much more savage
To prevent toxicity and insults, sadly Olden Era will not have a chat function:
Why are democrats like this? Eggs edition.
The game is too linear, we need more nuance, just like actual civilizations.
Fake News loser at CNN
What do you mean allowing leftists to make death threats is not good for business
Wtf streching
Trumpers, why dont you take a moment and stretch before you bend over backward to justify Sloppy Steve's Salute.
"Say what you like about the US, but Mexico and Canada aren't watching their borders constantly expecting invasion"
Heroes 5.5 All Enemies hiding all their armies in Mines?
Was trump secretly right about everything and knew everything, but we just didn't see it?
Just to show you that the outrage when Harriet Tubman was not innocent..
What did you think of the Maiev campaign
A few new screenshots from the Steam page
Why are men the center of religion?
Would China and Russia win if they team up to invade America? Nukes are ultimately last resort. Whoever uses nukes first and doesn't gain any winning political advantage loses.
So… has anyone actually lost a game yet?
From a gameplay perspective, why do YOU want a 4th era?
What if it was a mode choice to be the same civilization the entire game?
Couldn’t people cross the ocean BEFORE the 15th century?
the current system we use of terms like Lesbian, Gay and Transgender aren't optimised for an accepting environment, and the current discourse about the definitions of gender and sex could be solved by implementing a new system