Help With Deciding the Second Legion in My Blackshield Force
Which Space Marine Legion Works Best With Night Lords?
Which Space Marine Legion Works Best with the Night Lords?
[online][EST][5E] looking for 1-3 players for post apocalyptic fantasy game
H: list W: V/40p Drill or Ripper
Help with making a deathwatch kill team
Xbox Giveaway BOS Jumpsuit RNG 1-7000 winner selected after midnight EST
H: List W: Uny CE armor or other offers
H: list W: offers
H:list W: offers
H: List W: offers
H: Lists W: uny CE armor, or other offers
H: List W: Uny CE armor and V/40p or AA/40p automatic melee weapons
[XB] H: List W: AA/40p or V/40p drills or other automatic melee weapons.
H: Things You Want W: Things You Have
H: caps or weapons. W: holy fire
H: Nice AA Weapons W: rare apparel or offers
H: List W: aa/40p, v40p, or b/40p automatic melee weapons
[XBOX] H: Weapon/Armor List lots of Bloodied W: Wishlist items
H: List W: v/40p, b/40p, or aa/40p drills or chainsaws
H: Q5025 Fixer W: TFJ or Red Asylum
H: list W: AA or V heavy weapons or rare apparel
[XB] H: List W: uny/ap civil engineer armor
[XB] H: Assorted Weapons W: Full set of Uny armor