More info on the police enforcement on Wednesday. 406 traffic stops in 9hrs, on a 17 mi stretch of the 101!
Pottery throwing classes?
North 101 - Police Blitz
A person with Stoneman's syndrome that causes the muscle and connective tissue to turn into bone
Has this quartz been heat treated / crackled?
What is your last saved image?
Can anyone help me figure out what this is it’s super heavy
You just never know what you will find when you smash a rock open! Amethyst with green Flourite, and Galena cubes! Pinal County AZ
Fire Agate with twin quartz sprays! Self collected in Pinal County AZ
Fire Agate with Quartz sprays! Self collected in Pinal County AZ
Tucson AZ
Benitoite and Neptunite on Natrolite, 5" wide
Which One Is Your Favorite Tourmaline Crystal
My Tucson haul, first year exploring the shows!
Aquamarine from tucson show!
3d printed ND filter, what a world of difference!
A weekend dream Valentines day card :)
Azurite shelf update 😍 so much blue!
An interesting Ethiopian Non hydraphane specimin opal with a black opal center and yellow banding and.....honeycomb pattern
Bringing out the big ones for the Show!
Big Chrysocolla and quartz chunk out in a wash near south phx.
Chrysocolla and malachite on quartz, south phx az
Nice Chrysocolla and malachite? On quartz, south phx az
Facebook marketplace strikes again