I did it boys. I finally did it! 9070xt on the way!
XFX now wants almost 900 dollars for their mid range quicksilver model
Deshrouded my (loud) XFX Quicksilver 9070xt and put Noctua fans on it
Something to do the last Saturday in March - resist in community!
"Those" People Online Starter Pack
Can you stop a hurricane with a nuke?
You can attack the Capitol, but not a Tesla dealership.
Can’t get a good print to save my damn life.
The Viral ‘Debate’ Video That Proves Most MAGA Voters Are a Lost Cause
Who knew your values show your character? Apparently not Ben.
Say goodbye to the 255 plugin limit!
See a Nazimobile. Remind them they’re not welcome in America.
You want some Fallout New Vegas?
New pc
Help me Complete/Correct the list of weapons I've spotted so far...
would you be happy with this gift?
Haven't played FH5 in a few years, what did I miss that I can catch up on?
Y’all still waiting for GTA 6 while I’ve got GTA 13
Annealing PA6-GF. Water vs. Dry Air?
Are there any good beginner friendly modding tutorials for fnv?
DB Alloy build completed
Opinion: Weapon selection can make/break a BF title. Thoughts?
The current state of my DB9 Alloy.
This Happen To Anyone Else? (let's hope they restock soon)