I don’t understand the hate and trolling for the GRAMMY’s Outfit imo it was hella unique and creative.
Someone said Jaden's grammy fit looked like a Roblox character so I made it
Got bored Chipmunks in Paris
Buddy has no idea he made Summertime in Paris 🥲
wheres jaden man i miss him
New KK movie
Okay guys i have a strong feeling, fuck what everyone says but Jaden might actually have a cameo in The Karate Kid Legends
Broke a 5-year streak of being in his top 100 listeners. LMAO
Jaden should drop those trippy trap type songs more i mean the one he teased in the hills on live something like godspeed
Great!! Shoe Only Available For U.S. Customers (im ded inside)
Miss the Jaden who used to talk about current affairs and elections. I mean, it’s his choice not to post or talk about it—he’s an individual, after all—but still, this is how I feel
Gorgeous Music Video Out Now
Gorgeous MV 30 mins delayed idkw lol
Hey y’all, I’m tryna cop a pair of 0.01s but not sure about the sizing. I’ve got broad feet and usually rock a UK 11 in Adidas Sambas. Anyone know if these run big or small? Thanks
I've been thinking about getting the new Blue 0.01 colorway, but it'd be great if the team could announce it at least a week early so I can save up and get my stuff sorted. Thanks! (I'm a student, lol)
Y’all remember that very short snippet Rockstar with Young Thug?
Jaden Vlogs Lmao
Somebody should tell Jaden to released "Crush" or at least play it on live.
I am not sure how much to trust this article but it says they are a couple. Perhaps they never actually broke up, or just quietly got back together recently?
The Coolest Part 2 MV Glimpse
Should I post The Coolest Part 2 MV glimpse that Jono leaked on his live??
Jono streamed the first minute of The Coolest pt 2 lol
Still Me (fallen into pieces) - BTJ CLICKED!
The countdown for the EP has started on Spotify and it says the coolest part 2 is only 1 min 34 seconds like bruh?
D.U.M.B (Music Video) OUT NOW!