40 arrested in SF drug dealing crackdown
Is it normal for boyfriend (M23) to grind on me while I’m sleeping (F21)?
AITA for calling my son an idiot?
My (34M) wife (34F) of 15 years won’t forgive me but also don’t let me divorce her.
[AITA] My wife put down our dog without telling me while I was out of town
Sex life with my wife(39f) has disappeared and I(35m) don't know what to do. Help!
Spouse of someone with kidney stone for the first time.
Am i wrong for banning my in-laws from my home
AITA for refusing to buy my wife a "push present"
Am I the asshole for hanging out with a group of lesbians?
2nd attempt to remove stent and Im nervous
Aita for rejecting a guy (m25) without telling him I’m not attracted to him because of his weight?
AITA for not helping my dad's wife because I'm pissed about the trouble she brought into our lives?
AITAH for refusing to help my sister with her children, and telling her she chose her shitty life so now she has to deal with it
AITA for reclaiming my 40th birthday after my husband chose the Super Bowl over me?
My (27F) sister in law (34F) is racist but I miss my nieces
AITAH for not wanting to maintain a bond with my granddaughter after my daughter asked her uncle to walk her down the aisle at her wedding
I think my neighbor is following me
Aitah for getting an abortion without telling my mom?
AITA for not apologizing to my stepbrother for "abandoning him" on our Christmas vacation?
I have a growing utter disdain for my teenage daughter…
AITA for telling my dad's mistress I don't care about their possible death's?
Rural neighbor just screamed at my wife over our dogs - how should I handle?
Are there any Spanish speaking people here that know why my neighbors do this?