Bigger wheel options for Tony Kart 401R
My Electric Tony Kart
Disappointed in my TTI Combat
Does the mattress get more firm after fully expanding?
what do people here like to carry for their ccw?
30 6’1” construction worker honest rate only 🙏
Should I drop the $1k? Worth it? Comes with both slides/barrels. Might sell spectre slide with dot if anyone interested.
Did anyone else feel that earthquake? Is everyone safe?
Im looking at PSA daggers whats the word on them in here?
Is this considered decent grouping?
I got my permit and finally joined the club
Passed my ccw course for NJ and Utah. Now to start the timer.
It's Friday... that means it's time for you to order more mags.
Got My Concealed Carry Permit In Record Time. (HappyToBeIn The club)
What did you take to the range today?
Received my permit to Carry today!
Pleasantly surprised
Here’s me screwing up a reload in the biggest way possible yesterday 😂
Reasons for denial
Out from hiding 👀
Black Friday deals?
Aero Precision Lowers/Uppers Out of Spec?
NICS check
Backed up on processing pistol permits