To Baytown petco
Does Anyone Know What I’m Doing Wrong Here?
Wth do you think happens when someone falls into lava
Female and male gang-gang cockatoos
Sir, what u doin with that foot
Is this just innocent playing
Sudden twitch?
why does my little cutie do this
I am THE flock.
new bird owner — what does this sound mean??
What is this strange behavior?
New bird mom 🦜 any advice?
DAE have their eyes zoom out? Like it’s a camera ?
Which animal would you be more scared to encounter in the wild?
I haven't got a tattoo, here it isn't
Is he having a birb dream ?
If it isn't 174 BPM I don't want it
DAE get randomly obsessed with a certain food for a period of time and then get sick of them, then obsess over a different food and repeat the cycle?
Getting a scam text like this when A) I haven’t gone anywhere near an E-Z pass toll in years and B) it’s an iMessage. Scammers like this are irritating
He refuses to use hides and hates black mice. Shame him.
First bird!
What is this?
Favorite food you have always wanted to try from a cartoon/animated movie?
Caught in the act. Cher says "peace".
what did i do 😞