College applications should be like the NFL Draft
UCD accepted, UCI AND UCSD Rejected
This sub is the college version of r/playboicarti
Record-breaking application numbers are crazy
All my RD applications may have just been rescinded and I don’t know what to do
do yall just not read rule 10?
anyone deferred from Purdue get their decisions?
Is CMU releasing only for accepted ppl or is it school by school?
london scholars housing
whats the worst application mistake you've made?
UC Davis admissions website is down
Financial Aid - Frustrated
made northeastern ed2 following a harsh ed1 rejection!
Setback as a result of London Scholars Program?
Can I defer my deferral?
Is there a method to the madness?
Checking in...
You aren't 'better' than any schools
National Merit Finalist
acceptance letters?
Which colleges would you associate with every FRIENDS character?
Suffering from acceptance almost everywhere
rejected from all EA schools
Why is Northeastern ranked so low?
if i see one more post asking if Northeastern is good or worth it im going to crash out