Daily Dahmer-A letter to another one of Jeff’s male pen pals…I just love how to the point he is 😅 I’m sure what made this guy “stand out” was that he was a body builder
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Letter to Jeff from “MB Productions”, which speaks for itself… and was DRENCHED in cologne.
Daily Dahmer-Letter to a pen pal by the name of Bob. The magazine subscription he refers to are gay themed mags.
Daily Dahmer-Jeff letting Mary know he prefers to be called “Jeff”
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Daily Dahmer-Letter to an undisclosed Pen Pal…most likely Mary
Daily Dahmer- One of Jeff’s best letters
He doesn’t pronounce “Shyster” right, but other than that not bad 😅
Daily Dahmer-Card to some undisclosed Pen pal as name was blanked out and some pics of the Oxford apartments I obtained from the Wisconsin Historical society
Daily Dahmer-One of Jeff’s best letters
One of my fave Jeff docs. This is from 1993 and features the rare audio recordings with Dr. Smail and it takes a more psychological approach…more than the typical approach taken in the more current docs
Daily Dahmer-The cells in Columbia Correctional where Jeff had been sent to spend the remainder of his life
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Letter to the Dahmers from Brian Masters (author of the Shrine book)