Maybe a hat?
Who's everyone's Patron Saint (or who will yours be?)
Is “What are you talking about?” grammatically correct?
Can I access life, created on iPhone, on iPad?
Tell me your favourite city
Fun thing I haven't experienced before
I performed Brain Surgery on a Bumblebee today!
What’s like a catholic version of “praise god”?
Favorite Jewish characters?
Original Bugles - what happened?!
Who’s the Queen of Country, Reba McEntire or Dolly Parton?
Why is abortion 'clearly' sinful?
Who are some other right-wing political pundits or commentators similar to Ben Shapiro that I can turn to?
Fight between bald eagle and Canada goose in Burlington bay. Very Symbolic
Which pill would you take?
People burn American flags during an anti-Trump protest in Panama City, Panama.
If you were to be kidnapped and tortured by a gang, which one would you prefer most and least?
What happens if a muggle/no-maj gets ahold of a wand?
Is there a usual time period where most mods get updated? (Blade and Sorcery: Nomad - specific)
Arthur Morgan is coming to your house for dinner. What are you making?
Say something negative about this game
What’s keeping Trump popular?
What happened in this countries?
She was pregnant with my child 😔