Im thinking of buying FNAF 1 to play Real Time. Is the game good? People on Twitter say its dissapointing.
Why is the cave blue
i've drawn 40 gas stations in ballpoint pen because i think they're cool
How can I improve it?
What does my art taste like?
PC crashed and now deosnt want to show display (Windows 11)
Issues with modding
Community server recommendations
Random question but this is starting to get on my nerves
How do y'all deal with having an SO who's a dry texter?
Can you still get your period 4 weeks afer "doing the deed" if you got pregnant?
Pain in lower back and pelic area, and now spotting. Has anyone else had this?
Bf adds back other girls on snap
Bf adds other girls on snap
Random phone numbers added to my account??
Back pain and spotting roughly a week after period has ended and I'm worried
New to planted tanks, any advice?
Strange dull pain that started in pelvis and has now become back pain... I'm very confused.
Strange pain I've been having in the right side of my body
What immediately tells you someone is a trashy parent?
Dull pain in right side of pelvis and back and I'm panicking
Been having this dull ache in my right pelvic area and I'm terrified
Just got a new betta boi and I'm nervous
Is getting really excited over things you love "cringe"?