I made one as well... and learned that this is illegal in my country, no fun allowed
And so our hero left, leaving Trump and Putin with a bitter taste in their mouths.
Portable Kali box with Raspberry Pi and Touchscreen
New player here. Did I just get Valentina stuck forever? I have no idea how to get her down
What vibes does my avatar give out?
A mask made to block AI based facial recognition from all angles.
Why do the devs not use AI anti-cheat systems?
The sad truth about ig88
Vice President Kamala Harris certifies her election loss
What is the worst/slowest device you've ever played Minecraft on?
byfron is making me gouge my eyes out
TIL: Electronic-sniffing Dogs exist, and are used by law enforcement to assist in electronic storage detection; detecting even the smallest of electronics such as microSD cards.
Rate my jawline out of ten
It’s insanely weird and interesting seeing a average neighborhood in Star Wars
Cursed_Olive Garden
I’m dead 😭😭
Why does the roomba need sentience?
Test tender of my robot [WIP]
Test pose of KS-33 eliminating a target
Too Dangerous
Did the original Smile Room get deleted??
Wish I could have seen them in person .
Anon asks a question
Guys can you believe it? He hacked 17 WiFi’s
Hotspot just stays like this when trying to turn it on. This only started happening a few days ago. What's going on?