Finally a worthy opponent to the totally legit B.A.D., The Giga chad Super Buffed 0-0-0 free dart monkey! AN INCREDIBLE BATTLE WILL BEGIN OF TWO TITANS (Who will win?)
HOLY BANANERS! It's a totally legit B.A.D. We're gonna need more firepower! (Suggestions?)
I have a crippling addiction to a game about singing monsters and it's not okay
All the artists for the FNAF Graphic novels (I will update it when we got new artists and previews)
Unfortunately, the worst amber island update so far
Boss Bloon concept Glitsh and the rest of its forms (SEIZURE WARNING)
Boss Bloon Concept- Glitshnarius (will make a Elite version in the future)
Guess the character (Difficulty Easy) winner gets shoutout for the next post
if there’s someone who says “Brigitte for every class!” I swear...
How is my island looking?
I spent more time doing this than what i should
A Totally Legit Banner For the Contest
150k Reddit Members: Banner Competition
Heli in a nutshell
Where did it go?
I give you the Most LEgit Avatar in the universe the MONKE
Just a question for custom avatar what are the size requirements
My Totally legit tier list for pvz2 plants
My totally normal tier list for PVZ 2
Idea For Rails
What is thy wisdom you seek to pass on to us Bloonarius of the lake?
Dot Matrix
He's Free
TOtally LegIt Tier 6 Tower LeAks