what specific episodes of tv shows mention taylor negatively?
Sabrina sung Paris, which means this is her first time singing a song pre-EICS since 2023
How did you find out about the series?
Sexy and sexiest Lana songs?
Espresso Has Surpassed Taylor Swift's "Blank Space" On Spotify and Is Now The 18th Most Streamed Female Song
Songs where each word is longer than the last
Sae’s aura farming is immaculate
Is it just me or Bachira looks way more cooler/badass in S1?
Do you guys think Adele is gonna skip 35 and Her next album after her break would be 40 or even 45?
What do you guys think Sae’s thoughts on this play would be?
Which characters would be more or less popular if their gender was switched?
Songs where they tell you the song is over
Rate “Paparazzi” out of 10
Is it just me or does Haku and Rin's deaths almost the same?
A Poll - Results - What's your favourite Taylor Swift song?
Replace a word in a song title with cat
Scare Carpenters with One Image
To the fans who don't want a remake of Naruto? What is your reasoning behind it?
favourite lyrics EVER
Hmmm seems like a certain someone is a reincarnation
things dogs SHOULD eat 🐕
I watched Tall Girl and Tall Girl 2
Cool find today ::))
Shidou fanart bc I love this freaky ahh man
I just came out of my womb, am i cooked?