For those who already bought, what is something you regret or had to compromise on (whether you realize it or not)
What’s the best current Netflix’s show ?
Turning in bed.
Is anyone else still able to sleep all night without having to pee? Totally not complaining but curious if I should be worried. 32+6, 1TM
Dogs don’t play in outdoor dog zone
What qualifies as the type of "problems" or "downs" that one is supposed to deal with in a relationship ?
How does the baby know my husband is watching???
I got fired because of hashtags, how can I find a new job?
Laid off about a month ago, how am I doing?
Just tired
What Do You Tell Yourself When You're Anxious about First Trimester Miscarriages?
What stupid thing have you cried over today?
Does anyone else feel peaceful looking at extreme minimalist homes?
What’s the One ‘Frugal’ Habit You Gave Up Because It Wasn’t Worth the Hassle?
Best way to report monthly “gift” to cover rent
What's creepy if you're poor, but fine if you're rich?
Terrified of giving birth
I fear our son is going to kill my husband
Living with someone who has a fear of getting rid of things
Successful stories after a loss for those 35+...please
Do any of the New York Medicaid plans cover weight loss drugs?
Why is there so much in-fighting among vegans?
What would you say to the person you don't talk with anymore?
Confusion about household eligibility CA