Who are they? (wrong answers only)
Are there any bosses you're proud for beating on the first try? For me it was Slave Knight Gael.
Favorite character that has you like this?
Comment smth and I'll guess your gpa
Dark Souls II turned 11 today!
What is the boss fight that you hate the most? (es. for me 3 vs 1)
Screw it. Favorite character PERIOD
Why ??? why don't they attack me?
In honor of women’s day share your favorite female character.
Are yall sure we like this game?
Horny check, what is your last saved image
Tell me
Make me feel better - which boss took you the most time to beat? And how many attempts to did it take?
what game is this
Posting this here because I started Elden ring yesterday
You have to fight your wallpaper how screwed are you?
What are your guys brutally honest hot takes about doom the dark ages so far?
Not a lost generation? I'm a teenager who should be interested in girls, but no, I bought a Nintendo Wii with MY money. I don't regret it at all, I think it's the best decision in recent times.
Would y'all say I'm ready for Vordt?
Today is my birthday
I want to play all the Soulsborne games, is this order serviceable?
Say something negative about this game
My dad passed away yesterday before he got a chance to play Wilds. I recreated him in Wilds as best as I can so he can play with me.
Give our boy a title