How do you tie the Beast snaggers into the rest of the range
I'm done with it
(the rust) need another pair of eyes on the rust
I painted some rust on armor panels would love some feed back
For some work in on some armor panels quite happy
Not sure im happy but its a wip
Have dirty down rust always had acetone in it
So i've agreed to DM a short (2-3 hour) campaign next saturday.......HELP!?
Ejerskifte forsikring
Hvor længe går der typisk
How to make top coat matte? “Matte” spray is shiny!
Another rust bucket ready for the table
Knight Abominant tail
Broke a spike while putting my first knight together luckily Marvin...."volunteered" to help fix it
Need help with magnets
Wysiwyg balemace tournament?
How do you guys handle carapace weapons while painting war dogs
Hvor længe bruger i på vedligeholde Villa?
Flat tag på Villa Yay or nay
Newer artist, looking for 40K weathering advice
Second wardogs done! Just now to pick which gift to open first :)
Magnets for the Knight Abominant
Bygning af toilet på anden sal
Mixing Water Texture with paint?