[Discussion]Since I have seen tons of lists heres mine what I want next and/or currently working on games to platinum
So we straight up lie now?
Help me cause Im losing my mind!
Would you stay in Silent Hill for $1,000,000 per day?
Which games releasing this year are a day one must purchase for you?
I dont get the Ubisoft hate please enlighten me.
What game did you drop completely for Wilds?
New Poster for the 'Devil May Cry' Show
Who is this? (Wrong answers only)
[Discussion] Whats something games do with trophies you can't stand?
Is it worth it?
How long have you been watching wrestling? And have you ever taken a break from it?
Games which you gave into FOMO and regretted?
More Silent Hill, or something else?
I'm liking this game so far...
i think it's time to announce outlast 3
Which PS game would be that?
Since 2K25 is releasing next week. How many hours yall got?
Can you do all trophies solo for a platinum?
Do I have to buy F1 25 to enjoy?
Whose entrance music gets you hyped anytime it comes on?
Do you guys think that the series about McMahon makes ppl think WWE is bad or…(didnt finished it yet)
I know Im late but is there an aim assist off setting for ps5?
What is the first game that comes to mind when you see the Ubisoft logo?
Can the outlast trials trophies be obtained solo for a platinum?