Would you leave a fully remote job (38K) to relocate for a three-day in-office job (82K)?
Opinions on physique and areas of improvement?
Currently on a lean bulk, how to form huge back and wide lats? (35)
47 years old loose skin
After 2 years of deadlifting, finally hit my new PR of 315 lbs at 150 lbs
Who do you think is the most successful/ popular DJ ever?
appetite and drinking?
How to hit protein goal if I'm obese and on a deficit?
Green bubble hate is real
Found this fish alive in all our beach stuff and threw it back in the ocean any idea what it is?
Peaking (Flat vs. Full visual aide)
Biggest thing I should focus on?
What stereotypically "manly" thing do you not really care about?
Keto CURED a very NSFW male medical condition....
Losing fat everywhere except my stomach
Why doesn't anyone talk about how much easier it it is to go to college if you're rich?
How hard is it to maintain 10-12% body fat?
I made a table of my common protein sources, and compared calories per 100g to the price per lbs. Very interesting, I hope this helps someone!
Debating sleeping in my car on college campus
25 eggs per day
Purchased a thermaltake prebuilt with 9800X3D and a 5080. My review.
Wtf is in celsius???
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