One my favorite cologne.
Just ordered! Full house by Game Of Spades (LV imagination clone)
Blocking ur gf that bitch she obsessed
Cuttin her off she can’t stick to the plan🎶
Sad it’s only a minute I don’t think we ever getting this
K Suave type beat on music?
Safe blind buy?
Just started collecting, what should I try next?
H: leaders W: 1 sentinels
Banger scent profile💥
H:150 leaders W: 5 Pinpointers
What should be my next buy
Favorite PDM - which one is the GOAT?
Looking to layer Jo Malone ws&ss what out of my collection could be a good combo?
SOTD & most recent pickup
First day at a new job, hmmm decisions decisions…
H: 120 leaders W: 6 rangers
H: leaders W: 5 overeaters and 6 rangers
H:100 leaders W: 5 rangers mods
H: Glowing Mino W: leaders
H: Glowing blue devil W: bosjs
H: Fiend W: fsa