What's the cheapest place on the west coast for Laser Hair Removal.
I've already transplanted the front of my scalp. Can I use a different doctor for the rear of my scalp?
Is a transplant the only way to fix my eyebrows?
Men in their 30's who removed their beards: Did it make you look younger?
Is Propel worth it?
Getting started. Every 2nd day, or every 3rd day?
How long in between "cycles" of terbinafine?
I've been off terbinafine for 2 months. Safe to start again?
Why is the liquid in this vial defying gravity?
How much BAC water to use for 100 mg of GHK-cu?
The liquid in the vial won't flow past the stopper. What's causing this?
What is wrong with my vial of GHK-cu? How do I prevent this?
[Product Request] What are some good sunscreens that don't leave a whitecast?
Is anybody here using Tretinoin, while also doing Laser Hair Removal?
Does anybody here inject into their love handles?
Is it okay to combine GHK-cu and Epitalon in the same vial?
Does Tretinoin give you an "Accutane nosejob"?
How long before the hardened bumps on my stomach go away?
Everyone who comments I’ll prompt ai to make your username into a picture
Has anybody here had nano fat transfer?
Has anyone here had improvements in skin quality from oral usage?
Did your nosejob make you look younger?
What surgeons do you recommend for under eye fat transfer?
Where can I find a good scar revision specialist?
Is anybody here a customer of PectusConnectus?