Why dont people use VC for coms, but use text chat to complain ????
Vanguard Mains: What is your best piece of advice to other Vanguards or new Vanguard players?
Can we stop calling Magneto "Mag"?
Is Berleezy not going to play Life is Strange 4 ??
Cash app keeps rejecting me from recieving money to "protect" me ?
Even in anime they protect their healers. Why can't you?
Why does nobody post gameplay for entertainment
Learning Venom any tips or tricks ?
What is your favourite voice line in Marvel Rivals?
This is how long it takes for this screen to load
Rocket players aren't real
Mega Evos for the SInnoh starters
Team Target bans our mains
i will never play this good as venom again i swear😭
this world needs a lethal protector ..
My personal take on solo tanking
Throwing Jeff player who ults his team and throws us off the map.
Any high elo players that can help give me tips ? Im hard stuck plat 3
Day one after relapse, IM NOT GIVING UP!
What are some things y’all hope they add to rank
We Created a Stats Tracker for Marvel Rivals!
Ubers team 2.0 after yesterdays post. i am currently 10-0 atm with this team. Thank you all for your positive, and negative feedback from yesterday-I appreciate you all <3! Hows the team lookin now haters !
First time playing. How is my Ubers team ? any suggestions would be great, thanks <3
I think this is a pretty fair guess, no?
Im a new player that started a week ago. What should i focus on, and how is my team so far ?