[product question] New Prequel Half & Half Fluid Moisturizer
Facial flushing and Redness
Help! Still sunburning despite all my efforts!
Post acne spot that won’t go away?
Is it worth getting the gen 4 or is the 3 just as good
[Anti-aging] Forehead lines help!
Anyone use facial mists?
Post accutane product recommendations??
[routine help] New Prequel Multi-Acid Milk Peel opinions?
Face washing
24 & Sober... Anyone Else?
How do you all use makeup after tret nights ?
what’s best cleanser while ur on accutane?
3yrs 1mnth 1week sober
Those who have dealt with intense jealousy – has it lessened for you over time?
tips for not feeling like a mistress in a poly relationship?
Are most people really reapplying sunscreen?
[Acne] Do People with Clear Skin Notice Acne on Others?
emotional side effects? can’t tell if it’s related
gone so far backwards i hate this and i hate my derm for misleading me
How did you handle the joint/bone pain?
Tretinoin and Peels: A Match Made in Heaven
Forever young, I’m gonna be forever young 🎶… my skin is oilier while on accutane??
Do any of you do your own Chemical peels?