What happens if i miss an A level exam?
Almost 2 years since Econs Guy™ - we miss you... buddy
I didn't think it was a requirement to be honest
biggest hater of success award goes to this guy 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Whatever happens, gang will be there
I'm leaving this sub
Edexcel a level maths tips for A*
Privately/separately taking a level maths
“Impure bitch” is what my 12YO sister calls me for getting raped
my time has come
Pyro would explain what jokes are for 20 minutes
If you could travel back in time, what would you tell your younger self, who is just starting A levels?
Is It PoSiBlE tO gO fRoM a U to an A* iN mY sUbJeCt?????????
The best walk of your life starter pack
Most overall difficult exam board in your opinion (for GCSE students and former GCSE students only)
Bread 1/5
Craziest academic comeback stories?
Gamers Unite!
Never had a girlfriend or done anything with a girl.
You would do it to
Do NOT choose English Literature (particularly OCR)
Is a level maths that bad
Already getting kicked out of A level Further Math
Biology Class Cuts