Forgot Smite
Pink wards for junglers
Math is not mathing (need an explanation with colors)
How to deal with Shaco?
The Jungle is Fundamentally Broken (again)
The fact that the last few OP jungle picks all rely on dashes or movement speed to clear jungle proves that not being able to dash to camps is a huge issue
Help!! Saved portals don’t work after last update
Support/peel style junglers for low elo
I feel like the more I play, the worse I get at League?
Are yall still leash ur Jungler ?
Best app for jungle timers?
Three game, three lanes self-destroyed within the first 10 minutes
Ekko as part of a pool of (3) champs - looking for guidance
Where he was going?
Am I trolling for going twitch jg?
Looking for a decent crashed ship in starting planet on new expedition
Found a great planet that somehow looks exactly like Earth?
Short message from a jungler main
Any chance someone can coach me to Silver?
From bronze to challenger in 15 seasons, the grind is over - AMA
Karthus or Zyra
Need help with Kindred in low elo.
Is support for me?
Feeling washed out with main champ
Morgana and Zyra - in lower elos?