I'm looking for other apps similar to JustPlay/BestPlay/MoneyTime
GoMining Review Townhall
I drove blackout for the first time ever and hate myself
Native American, Joseph Medicine Crow was fighting in WWIl when he completed the four tasks required to become a war chief. He touched an enemy without killing him, took an enemy's weapon, led a successful war party and stole 50 horses from a German camp
One true Legend - Peak reason for show's Success.
What is this area like? Safe? Any weird stuff goin on?
ELI5: Why is fentanyl the “common” opioid now?
Someone hide airtag in my motorcycle
Seafood hunter...
[Entry Thread #102] Happy post-Valentine’s Day! Today, we’re also looking for a special someone, specifically a Redditor, to make into a millionaire. If you’re interested, comment to enter!
We did it boys!
How do people make 100+% when a stock only rises 20%?
Trump Orders Treasury to Stop Minting New Pennies
Someone learned to use a lathe, making my own tools…
Kanye West tweets 'I'm a Nazi and I love Hitler'
ELI5: If I put hand sanitizer on an open wound and it stings, what is the actual source of the pain? If Alcohol kills cells, what is sending a pain signal to my brain?
Today is 5 years since the U.S. declared public health emergency over COVID-19, what are your thoughts on the pandemic in retrospect?
Bought a bike but barely ride it—feeling regret and fear. Need advice. Regret
Wouldn't be surprised if there's a massive selloff tomorrow morning.
What am I?
This happened today
Help why are my miters opening!!!
Testing Boomerangs with 1-6 Wings
How fukkt am I