Kickstarter is now live for my MMBN inspired game! Rewards are focused on bringing your creativity to the Net!
Mega upgrades for my MMBN inspired game! Calling all interested operators to check out the V2 Net Knight Demo on Steam.
Net Knight demo finally available on Steam! Any operators interested in playtesting my MMBN inspired game?
23% funded in 2 days, you guys rock, man!
Game Concept: Create-A-Navi (C.A.N)
Hey all! We have around 65 battle chips ready (probably aiming for 150+) with multiple areas of the net you can travel too! The game is definitely coming along! - here’s a quick peak at some battles! - feel free to Wishlist on steam to keep up on any extra info! 💕
Creating a Megaman Battle Network inspired game in Unity. How are the animations for my characters so far?
Anybody knows if this project is still alive? Looks really cool.
A list of games similar to MMBN and their current status - Please contribute!
Net Knight demo is finally out! Calling all operators for playtesting assistance!
After 1 year of development, my MMBN inspired game Net Knight is available to wishlist on Steam and Kickstarter!
Tips for Handling NPC Crowds
Tailoring your Homepage + Custom Battle Challenges (Net Knight)
Our MMBN inspired game, Endlanders, is now available to download on Steam! We've also launched a Kickstarter campaign!
My Battle Network inspired game has come a long way in one year, finally created a trailer!
After 9 years our MMBN inspired fighting game EndCycle VS just launched on Steam/Android! What started as a Battle Network fan-game is now a fully-fledged game with Online Multiplayer, crossplay and full modding support!
I'm making a MMBN-inspired game, and this is an incomplete mockup of the battle scene. Any feedback at all is appreciated
Choose your CustWare Loadout! (MMBN inspired, Net Knight)
Our MMBN inspired game has just released it's playable demo on Steam! Download and tell us what you think!
Create a character with 80,000,000 unique combinations! (MMBN inspired, Net Knight)
Showdown at Synth's Scene (Net Knight)
Demo for our MMBN inspired game is coming soon.... very soon..
Happy Holo-days from Net Knight!
[Gunmetal Witch] My MMBN-like needs playtesting. Come give it a try!