Provincial Smart Home Scam
Ayce hot pot?
Chocolate bar similar/same as Reese's fast break (USA) +nougat (Canada)
Things to do
2008 Honda Civic metal clinky sound
Faerie Items
In all my years of being on this site.... this is the first time this has happened to me! Lol I'd never seen the "explosion" animation before, so it took me by surprise hahaha
Replacing alternator. Anything else I should replace while I'm at it?
Bosch considering a takeover bid for Whirpool. Thoughts?
Who says you can't draw your whole deck? Negative Knolla from 33k -> top 350 infinite
Cleaning off and preventing rust on stove pipe
Sakhmet Solitaire…
Recommendations for something fragrant.
Cold start noise, lots of vibration on idle.
Squeeky/rattling noise - belt related? any ideas what's causing it?
Quest Priest is feeling really good with the list I’ve made.
What’s Working and What Isn’t? | Thursday, December 09, 2021 | Day 3 of Fractured in Alterac Valley
For the... Alliance?
Summary of the 9/18/2021 Vicious Syndicate Podcast (final one for 21.2 patch)
Ask /r/CompetitiveHS | Wednesday, August 25, 2021
I'm upset. $20 CLF, it's disrespect. So offended that I had to write a $1.2 billion check. I'll always take the preferred shares over debt. With steel futures like these, what did you expect?
Control OTK Warrior to Legend Guide
STEEL - updated guidance, upgraded PT’s, rising futures, rising prices, short supply and worsening by the day - YET, the stocks got murdered - WTF?! . . .AND WHY IT’S GOING TO BE “OK”.
HELP!! Seemingly endless Japanese knotweed roots??