When Sauron was torturing Gollum, why didn't Gollum tell him Bilbo's full name and just say "Baggins" or "Shire"?
I like this parallel
What does the metaphor mean here?
i? Who do you think is the best goalkeeper on this list
Who do you think is the best player on this list?
Who do you think is the sexiest?
Which couple do you think has the best chemistry?
Of course there was always a vibe from the beginning 🤷
While Lorelai was… Luke was…
The Town (2010)
So, Max and Chris wanted Lorelai to be stuck with them because of Luke...
What do you think about Rosamund Pike?
If Lorelai married Max... How long do you think their marriage would last?
We can think what we want about Luke but he was actually a real father figure to Rory...and Lorelai was looking at him like 😍 😍
Luke was about to ask Lorelai out and she obviously wanted to
Lorelai looks so hurt and heartbroken by Luke's words here... but sorry, what was she expecting?
This is insane, Lorelai! 12 hours is not enough time for anyone to process their feelings and clear their mind...
See the results of this post..
Did Lorelai still have Chris in the back of her mind even when she was with Luke?
Do you think Luke and Lorelai were "ALL IN" ever?
What's your opinion on Jason Bateman?
It seems to me that Luke was much more heartbroken than Lorelai here
I like when they hit us over the head with these hints about Luke and Lorelai
Lorelai when Luke asked her to write a character reference for April...