All I ever wanted was a black Grand National...
4 years since cayo perico hesit was release, to this day they didn't bother to fix this north dock problem, look at the distance between north dock and where the game spawned me and tell me im wrong
Hot take: The Titan Job is actually fun.
Who TF is this guy bro 😭
Good night
I can finally play this game 60+ fps in cayo perico and 100+ fps in normal map with no fps drops compared to legacy when i played in 40-60 fps in cayo and max 80fps with more drops (ps: the chat in enchanced for pc doesn't exist and the "Ammu-Nation Contact" message is stuck on the screen)
"It's John Marston, Micah!"
GTA V PC Enchanced fps is set at 30 everywhere on the map even in cayo perico just underwater
Surfing in GTA Online (kinda) :)
Where am i? (Wrong answers only)
Oh hell yeah... Windows XP
Lucky Gripped
So should I get the game + dlc?
"The Killing of Lol" by the pagan Rito the Greedbringer's hordes, 1229, colorized
What Is It?
Lara Croft from Shadow of The Tomb Raider Outfitt in GTA V, i think it looks nice
What's the most time you've spent in a game?
What's the first game you think of when you see this logo?
Finally i did it 100%, on the final boss i ran out of metal crafting for smoke bombs because i use them to craft traps on dead bodies and i forgott i had that skill:))) anyway the game let you attack constatinov from higher place or behind so its not that hard.
The award for "The Most Useless Feature In The Game" gose to: Queue Items
It’s gone..
Let’s see
Roses are red, they cut like the blades,