quotes slipping out…
Favourite swear words of RSK
Ricky sounds like me at ten telling my family what my sim did that day as if anyone cared
All good.things must come to an end
Money for old rope
Featured in this month's issue of Fortean Times, it's the movie Stigmata
Pope's d- oh for fffff
What's the similarity between Lord of the Rings and this show?
Cryptic shite time. What's going on here then?
I present you with the biggest scam in history: cell phone customs
Absolutely Mental
Does Steve ever make Karl laugh?
Is this the most KP headline ever??
That's Tony Banks' solo album, Bank Statement
Right well we started a new feature last night called What is the question. Heat have picked up on it so let’s go again. If Stephen Merchant is the answer. What is the question? Email only. I repeat Email only.
Call your friends and tell them it's a girl
They're just having a laugh. This is what I mean about a lot of scientists. What are they doing?
From r/3Dprinting
Who would you rather be…?
How embarrassing do you think it was when Steve went to Karl after the show and begged to be on the pub quiz team?
"Itchycoo park?"
Doing my bit over on Threads…
Now, I love Cox in the morning. And at night! What’s the matter with you?
Love it when the sun hits Westminster Bridge just right and you get a cheeky surprise