4x your salary or 200k per month tax free, but it'll be a random job I give you
How’s your dating life going?
How to apply for SFAS
How screwed are you?
Fistulotomy envy!
Would you be willing to date someone who fell on hard times?
30 M I wanna cry
How do I improve my looks?
What are you choosing?
How the sales team feel when customer decided not going to use them as dealership because of their service department
Steak sucks and does not deserve the praise and adoration everyone gives it
Which show improves MASSIVELY after first few episodes or season.
$1,000,000 per year but you MUST walk everywhere
What were some of your funniest memories while you were in basic training?
One word answer. What is the opposite of no?
Does it ever blow your mind when someone says “I don’t drink water”?
Games that will make me scream "I fucking won"
How things have changed
The “coffee date guy” and the $200 date girl are the same person IMO
What should absolutely be grabbed during steam winter sale ?
Am I the only one who feels bad for Kwon?
Gf ‘18F’ made an ultimatum, either I ‘19M’ get her name tatted or we break up, what can I do?
What are your thoughts on the use of sex toys during sex?
Sweet Pea Cosplay by me.
Game where you are the bad guy but it’s not obvious you’re the bad guy?