This game is so goofy
This game is hard (shitpost)
Grand master teaches you to block
Aidez moi à me venger ?
Why does every character in this game have God Tier wall carry?
Is Leo Strong??
Que ce passe t-il au service com. de LFI ?
How correct is this French (read: how fucked am I for school)
Western Isekai
Why does no one say hwoarang is a goat beginner character
Atheism is clearly a form of religious thinking
Tekken The Movie if it got a bit more budget (part 2)
Reddit isnt a real place and your opinions arent supported in the real world
Europe and Canada have no right to criticize the US for what Trump is doing right now.
Freedom of speech/expression should be absolute, including speech that scares people or mean things
really good ducks or script user ?
This game has the biggest community of toxic pussies I've ever seen
Got called Islamophobic for the first time
Equity IS a bad thing, Equality is what we want
I'm starting to think in japanese
Did she try to plug or did I kick her so hard the game froze
Lmao this guy
How tall are you?
I was making comparison video for S1 wall carry for characters that i know how to play and ended making short compilation video cause why not.
Tekken 8 Character Difficulty