Where exactly do you scale prime Rayleigh? Among the following who do you think he was the closest to? Akainu, Kizaru, Ryokugyu, Fujitora, prime Sengoku, Kaido, Shanks, BM.
In your opinion, the gap between which two consecutive power levels (YC1, YC+, that sort of thing) is the biggest?
Tried to do the pronation lift as strict as possible - kicked back wrist, forearm actually parallel to the floor, no body support. Even just 80 lbs for 5 reps wasn't easy.
Who is this(Wrong answer's only)
What do you guys think?
Who has the highest durability in the entire OP? Not regen, not endurance, just the pure ability to not take any damage. NOT considering durability to internal attacks like Law's.
John Brzenk’s last match
Whos the most attractive female armwrestler?
Dorian Yates 1997 Mr. O vs Paul Dillet 2003 Hungarian GP (guest posing). Some of the most insane arm difference in pro bodybuilding.
IIRC this is John's favorite way to train for aw! 6 reps at 110kg/242lbs
Take John, Denis, Pushkar, Voevoda, and Chaffee at their peaks and put them in today's SHW, which tier would each be in?
Vitaly on his story
At what point does a 10-year age gap (25yo with a 35yo) in a relationship become problematic or predatory?
Where you going buddy?!
300lbs pound Devon vs Genadi shown in the latest Casually Explained video!
The current number two left arm?
Have you ever seen or heard of humerus spiral fractures when doing a pure outside move?
Taking every aspect into consideration (frame and structure, hypertrophy, strength, tendon ligament and bone durability and toughness, response to gear, gear tolerance, etc.), how many people in the world have better armwrestling genetics than Levan?
What person in recorded history had the worst life ever?
Other than Imu and Joyboy, which character(s) are GB + Fuji unable to defeat (2 v 1 and the character either stalemates the duo or beats the duo)?
Are people forgetting how strong Denis in his prime was?
Alex Kurdecha vs Back to Back Pullers
What’s your real unpopular opinion in the armwrestling world ( uncensored version)
Besides John who else has used the can opener in a real match? Not to show dominance but as an actual strategy to win the match and successfully won the match using it.