Would anyone like to chat about Buffy?
Literally short of breath watching the ICE scenes
About Carol & Barb
Not Lost 😂
Did you want to the war between C and D block to happen?
Guys what happened to chang?
Have you ever noticed...
Saw this and had to post
Davids comment 😂
Did Patty want to be seen?
Who's your favorite couple in the series?
I can’t stand Lorna
Guys! How cool is this original promo? I never seen this before so thought I’d share. Ugh, they just don’t do it like this any more!
End of season 6 (MAJOR MAJOR SPOILER!!)
does Amelia Shepherd have BPD?
Who are your favorite actors /who do you think are most talented?
One thing you hate about the show overall
Maybe it’s just me but i low-key found Hopper being fired in season 7 kinda funny
Arizona and callie (spoilers ahead)
Most under hated character?
Favorite and least favorite plot lines?
OITNB actors in the same movie/tv show
Frieda’s age
I found it a teenie bit hard to feel bad for Taystee?