Any SGMs out there who have served on a QMP board?
Best headlamp for combat/prehospital use? (Durability & lightweight prioritized)
CMC mountain bag as Aid Bag
Well, what say the jury? Am I sentenced to the red prison?
Welp, atleast I get to post on reddit now. Locked myself in since October
So it begins.
Best activities to do while fletching arrows?
Earned my first skillcape
Best Gyms Fort Wayne
100 chests dry at moons, 126 over the expected log completion rate :(
Jad nub
GO’s scolded to not let their “minority” show
Several things that would make mobile MUCH better
What's my next step? Solo blood moon kills?
Foot care help
I'm genuinely afraid to leave the army
Mission Medic Pack 2 Now with Frame
Arterial bleed in neck
I came home from a deployment to this
First ever green clog
Diarrhea from training
It's time... I'm going for my first ever Fire Cape. Am I ready? Any advice? Mobile only Iron.
Sak Yant in Pattaya
Mobile Jad
Are any of these All Trails maps the legal Moanalua Valley Trail route, in lieu of illegal Haiku Stairs?