Is it worth it to buy a plot of land and build your own damn house?
Trump is absolutely fucking insane!
S.F. DA Jenkins wants to try more children as adults in ‘switch’ from campaign pledge
And now the Wombat kidnapper is blaming the Government…
The hottest take
If you're a renter in here posting about noise issues, make sure you tell your supervisor you support the new window rules
Illegal vape hunt: SF nabs smoke shop owners in undercover op
Fantastic news! Long-rumored 1,100-unit housing project finally breaking ground in S.F.
lsd changed my brain
Can I charge sigils with chi manipulation instead of orgams ?
This is exactly what I want out of a mayor!
Having issues with relationships
Nice visual :3
Should I relocate to SF?
What industries actually benefit from collapse?
Ff7 rebirth has too many mini games that repeat
Apparently constitutional rights are actually unconstitutional.
Muscular Horn Woman (Jeckylll) [Skyrim]
Anyone else traumatize themselves?
He had no mercy in Rebels lol
Space Required To Store Every Nintendo Game From NES to Wii
How do I tell her ima divorce her and marry Elliot…😭
smoking beats (animation Gio quasirosso; track in comments)
Opinions on this album?