Give me mid powers, not world breakingly bad or that make me God, but average.
Are you real?
Is the sky blue?
Which Cub Skin is your favorite?
ISTPs, beware of this man!
Any tips to be less aware of your surroundings when doing hypnosis?
What would be your nqme without these letters?
What is your MBTI and what do you think makes a joke good?
On a scale of 1 to 100, how similar are you to your stereotype?
whats is your favorite letter?
Only this sign’s ‘E’s aren’t faded
What's your username without odd number letters of the alphabet?
What do you think about my car (add 3 to your rating cuz i am noob)
GAMBLERS!! when did you roll your first global?
Be very very careful when typing someone with any kind of mental illness, it may lead to mistypes
I found this meme, how will this class go with this seating?
Trolley Problem
The MBTI you feel the most yourself around that isn‘t your own
MBTI and your fear
I just found out that I am ENTJ-A
Took the test 4 years ago
Mbti vs astrology
Look at my new drip!
What's the best Pop tart flavor?