It's sad cenobite is leaving, but his perks becoming common is going to be insane. All of these are good perks.
Is strider recommended for trying to learn the Spirit
Just let me run fast and stab
I mean if there are no other options
Why did they do that? Wtf?
Oni flicks NOT being removed
ggwp guys, it was good while it lasted
They almost made it.
R.I.P. Oni 180s
Survivor mains will really try to convince you this perk is bad.
How are we feeling about these?
Why does everyone hate Garden of Joy and the Eyrie?
According to the Year 9 roadmap, tomorrow's PTB will have a licensed killer. Any final guesses on who it'll be?
No teaser today?
my killer classification, this may be controversial please dont take it too seriously and if you disagree please tell me :3, i love to hear your opinions
1st game 2 syringes, 2nd game 3 syringes, 3rd game 3 syringes, and the 4th game... guess what... 3 syringes... it's like i'm playing vs the same survivors! BUT I'M NOT!!! LOL
Just sharing my experience
Why is Plague Treated better then Legion when she does what they can do but better?
Lethal pursuer should give haste during the initial aura reading
If a regressing gen is blocked by the entity does it still lose progress?
Flashlight users when you don't want to get blinded all the time
Knowing that you're about to get downed and you use Plot Twist in front of the Killer for the funnys
They just had to go after my baby Xeno, didnt they?
What’s your dream license doesn’t even have to be horror. Killer or survivor maybe both
i asked for the legion buff