a short comic detailing how the rap community treats us wh*tes
I drew Eminem, Eminem and Eminem
Please help me I have 3 copies of Encore THIS IS NOT NORMAL
I don’t know what to do with these help 🥀
Anyone else want another Bad Meets Evil Album??
What do you believe hip hop would become if Eminem never existed
Ranking/Rating Eminem Albums (in all the ways I can think of)
Eminem chooses YOU to pick a sequel for only one for these albums, what will you choose?
If Eminem punched you in the face, what lyric of his would you respond with?
Which is The Best MMLP Cover?
Look at this cop, so full of passion and ambition
Hello, I am the gerbil that was shoved up Eminem’s ass AMA
It’s real now
What do you think he would taste like?
It’s rap boy ask me anything
Bruh 💀
Ya’ll is my playlist a W?
bugs when you lift up a rock
You were caught cheating, what Eminem Quote will you use to convince her to stay
Underrated classic tbh. Definitely showing this one to little Jimmy
Anyone know what the numbers mean on the MMLP2 cover?
Wuz just tryin to listen to ice cube wtf????
He did it for the people
Even death couldn't stop their suffering
How bid do you think Ashleys tits are?