Where do you see yourself in five years?
Mám rád Vánoce
You did good.
Vážně, kde se dá dneska "dobře" seznámit?
[21]-[23] Quit smoking and drinking, completely changed my lifestyle while fighting with severe insomnia and anxiety attacks , working and studying, if I can, you can too!!
It is crazy that no one cares
I hit a major turning point in life. Here are 10 lessons that hit harder than I expected.
I had a threesome with my best friend and her bf. I think I ruined my friendship with her forever. What do I do?
I set my penis on fire
Jaké koníčky si užíváte? A které byste rádi ale jsou pro vás finančně nedosažitelné?
what is the best thing to do after sex?
Tinder Tip: Na Tinderu lze předem zjistit, kdo vás lajknul i bez premium účtu.
Osobní rozvoj aneb čichání vlastních prdů
Uhni, pičo
Blade Runner 2099 will wrap up filming in two days!
Would you guys recommend Bag Of Bones?
Guys, how do you actually last longer in bed?
Man trains with monks
Kolik platíte za pojištění na auto?
[no spoilers] What Do You Like About Arcane That Is Not Discussed As Much? Mine Is How Well Choreographed The Action Scenes Are, Especially Vi.
What’s a movie that should NEVER be remade?
How important is sex for you personally?
Does anyone else feel really crappy and or mildly depressed if they haven't worked out in a while?
What are you currently reading?